My high school used to have two days a week that were “Late Start”. Classes began at 9am and most people loved it. But, I am a morning person so I hate a late start to my day. These are those blurry pics everyone takes in high school to make it look like you have clear skin. Don’t mind the…
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Chocolate Covered Cranberries
My Nina and Nino gave Ben and I some snacks for the plane ride back to CA. There were gingerbread bites… and chocolate covered cranberries espresso beans. The company messed up and put espresso beans NOT cranberries in the package!!! Ha! I was disappointed, but Ben loves choc covered espresso so it worked out. Isn’t that weird though?? I wasn’t…
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Ch-Ch-Ch Chia!
I finally tried the illusive Chia seed today! I have been wanting to get my hands on it for a while but never asked where the “Chia seed department” was at my local health foods store. Well, yesterday I bought a container of this magical seed. I am especially intrigued by the Chia seed after reading about it in “Born…
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Breakfast At Last (meal of the day)
Trail Mix!! I dipped a little too hard into the trail mix stash today. Why is something so calorie dense so easy to eat and eat and eat?! I have been craving oatmeal all day so, I decided to have breakfast for dinner in the form of oat bran with PB. In my travels today I picked up Chia seeds….
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Back to Reality
This morning started with a great, but cold 4 mile run. Even though it was chilly I was so happy to be running in MD again 🙂 Then, I had an early appointment so I had to grab breakfast on the go. I took a yogurt and pear for the ride. The yogurt was not good, but it was the…
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Is that a banana in your purse?
I am currently flying high above the clouds on my way back to MD. But, before I got on the plane airport security stopped me because of a suspicious item in my purse – a banana. I can only imagine what they thought it was, but Ben’s random comment of the day is: Ben: “Miss, I’m sorry but, you can’t…
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Feliz Navidad!
Hello and a belated Merry Christmas to you! I’ve been having too much fun and too much food with my family. The combination of being on “vacation”, the holiday and so many family events has me up a few pounds fast! But, I’m ready to get back on track because I want to feel better. California eatin’ has included tamales,…
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I Fell…Again
I always say that I fall about three times a year. I was super nervous I was going to fall at my wedding and luckily I didn’t. But, I did fall today. Hard. (This is the uneventful recap of my last fall while running.) I went on 3 mile run with my friend, Susan… We had just started running and…
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Sucker for “Suggestions”
I am such a sucker for “suggestions”. If I see someone eat a certain food I enjoy I end up craving it until I get it. Today a woman at the salon was eating soup in the waiting room (I know that was random). I saw her eating away and totally got a craving for crappy canned soup. I ended…
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