Hello! The other day it rained in SoCal…like full on water falling from the sky. It was so weird. Luckily it was a rest day from running so I was able to stay inside and do a good pyramid workout. It’s a good mix of cardio and abs.

In other news, I have a new roommate for a while!
I went to my parents’ house to visit (read: stock up on avocados and oranges) and say ‘Hi!’ to all the pets.

Lucky is scared of everything, kind of like me.

Clyde is getting so big! Why do puppies grow so fast?!

I hung out with all my furry friends and then packed up the Roxican and took her home with me.
We’re going to have so much fun being roommates… I plan on having movie & martini night and painting each other’s nails and eating ice cream…

Vegas set some ground rules for our new visitor. Overall he’s pretty self-involved and doesn’t really care if Roxy is here – actually he doesn’t care if I’m here either. He just tolerates everyone.

Spring cleaning is almost done at RER headquarters! I’m still sorting through what I want to keep/donate. But I needed to clean my bookcase so I took everything down and am only putting back the ‘keepers’.

All this cleaning requires some treats!
Sonic happy hour for the win.

Results from the Ketchup and/or PB refrigerator debate:
Most people put ketchup and/or Sriracha in the fridge (okay everyone except me basically)
Most do NOT put PB in the fridge.
Question: When you count reps during workouts do you count up (1 to 10) or down (10 to 1)?
I usually do down. But when it’s something like 15 or 25 I count up to 5 and then I count down.
Hey! Noticed you had Girl on the Train, is it good? I’ve been thinking about reading it!
I usually count up (1 to x). But sometimes to vary it up I count backwards. For some reason, it’s less tiring switching every once in a while.
Group fitness instructor. I TOTALLY count down backwards, usually from 8. Sometimes 12. It’s a music thing lol.
You really saved my skin with this innoamrtiof. Thanks!
I count up…always up. I like hearing the high numbers…makes me feel “strong?”
I get why you keep that stuff out of the fridge. I love sriracha, its amazing but I couldn’t keep it out of the fridge. Maybe I should try it…it could be the new trend! Room temp hot sauce for everyone!
I count from 1-10 if its something where both sides/both legs are involved. I count down if im doing one leg at a time…no idea why hahaha
I could from 1-10 if its something where both sides/both legs are involved. I count down if im doing one leg at a time…no idea why hahaha
that is a lot of lemons on that tree! i wish my orange tree would hurry up and look like that. i love picking fruit off of a tree. your new roommate looks like a lot of fun 🙂
well if i’m doing 3 sets its 1-10 then 10-1 then 1-10. LOL.
I do the same as far as counting reps. If it’s a low number I’ll count down. If it’s a higher number I will usually count up halfway and then count down…and hope I don’t confuse myself! Lol
Ha! Me too – sometimes I’ll stop and make sure I’m not confusing myself.
I like to count up and then down for the last few. Or I switch it up and count up for a whole set then down for the next to keep my mind guessing a bit.
I count up to 10 and then downwards for the last 5 or 10.
Let’s try this again… With the correct spelling of ketchup. 🙂
Ketchup does not belong in the fridge! Why would I want cold ketchup on hot food? Yuck! BUT… My sriracha is in the fridge only because I’ve run out of room in the pantry. Otherwise, it’d be in the pantry, too… Next to my ketchup… And PB! 🙂
We are ketchup friends!
Ketch I does not belong in the fridge! Why would instant cold ketchup on hot food? Yuck! BUT… My sriracha is in the fridge only because I’ve run out of room in the pantry. Otherwise, it’d be in the pantry, too… Next to my ketchup… And PB! 🙂