New Q&A from your instagram questions on my skincare routine, tips for SUMMER running, will intuitive eating make you binge, would I adopt and more! You can watch it here and get more information.
If you have a question leave it in the comment below, email me at or leave it in the Instagram story box!
What’s your skincare routine? You’re always glowing!
I use a wash from Aveeno and a scrub once or twice a week.
And I recently started using fancy (read as: kinda pricey) face products like a night cream, eye cream and moisturizer.
I also love a good sheet mask and eye mask!!
Check out what I’m using lately in my Skin Care I Love page on the Run Eat Repeat storefront.
Have you done a running streak?
Will practicing Intuitive Eating cause me to binge on my favorite foods and overindulge?
For those unfamiliar Intuitive Eating was first explained thoroughly in the book – Intuitive Eating.
It’s the concept of getting rid of all the food rules and eating according to your body’s hunger, fullness, needs, wants for a healthy balance.
Check out the book here:
Will you marry me? Yes? No? Maybe?
The instagram story poll I took said… No.
A running related anxiety you’ve had and your self talk around it?
You can’t do this. You are going to have to quit, because you just can’t…
My self talk depends on how I’m feeling. In the past I’ve told myself – something positive. Or sometimes I just get really honest and say – what’s the worst that’s going to happen? You quit? You have to post that you quit and tell everyone? Meh. That’s not a super big deal.
What’s your favorite distance to race?
Half Marathon!!
How do you fuel during a long race? Is there a specific snack that you like to use?
Yes – I love Clif Mocha gels and Margarita shot blocks.
The Clif Mocha gels have caffeine and taste like dark chocolate.
The Margarita shot blocks have extra sodium.
What were you going to mention about Laguna Hills?
I woke up at 3:30am before the race – it’s super close to my place so I didn’t have to wake up that early. Anyway. Woke up because I had cramps and a period situation. So I had to wake up and wash my sheets.
Do you think it’s too late to get into the blogging game?
No – do it!! Do whatever you want! Start here. Today is your starting line!!
Any tips for Spartan Race aspirants?
I don’t really know anything about Spartan races. But my tip would be to Be Tough and Be Brave! And train hard!!
Have you ever thought of adopting a baby now or in the long run?
Yes, I’ve thought of it. More than that I’ve thought about being a foster parent. But I’m not sure I’d want to do it without a parenting partner.
Oh and ‘Parenting Partner’ – I got that phrase from Valerie Landis from the Eggperience website and I love it. She talks with women who have frozen their eggs and interviewed me recently. You can watch the interview here.
Today I wouldn’t want to parent solo, but I’m open to change – especially changes for the better within myself!
How do you deal with depression when nothing seems to get better?
Get help from a professional. Go to a therapist and psychiatrist. Talk it out with a therapist and ask about medication. Keep going until you feel better and then… go some more. Do all the self care things too. But if you’re struggling – you don’t have to tough it out.
If you’re really struggling and thinking about self harm or suicide please ask for help.
You can text the Crisis Text Line or call the suicide hotline.
How do deal with summer heat/humidity and keep a good base mileage?
Check the weather and plan your running schedule around it. Run your longest/hardest runs on the coolest days.
Run during the coolest part of the day (that it’s safe to do so).
Dress appropriately.
Be flexible. Factor the weather into your training and effort. If you are running in extreme conditions it’s more of a challenge so it might be okay to cut it short or hold back on pace.
Know yourself. Know if you’re being a baby about something versus when your body is telling you it’s struggling. Be smart and consider your long term goals. If your body needs to stop for water or you need to hold back on the pace – do it.
Get more here:
Summer Running Tips as told by gifs
and try this Summer-y Oats in a Jar Recipe
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