Hola! How’s your Tuesday going?
Mine is awesome because I had to walk to the store to pick up something for lunch and luckily (?) Ulta was on the way. I love Ulta. I didn’t get anything exciting, just moisturizer.
Apparently it’s April Fool’s Day, but I thought it was April Food’s Day and I’ve been enjoying some delicious meals today!!
Now it’s time for the big RunEatRepeat Tattoo Reveal…

April Fool’s!
I still want a running related tattoo, but not my logo. But, I thought it was funny that when I told a few people about my idea for the RER April Fool’s joke they thought it was totally something I would do – these are people that know me in real life. Or people I thought knew me. Ha!
I do want to start an awkward slow clap for myself for the fact that I did commit to this joke by going into a real tattoo parlor and explaining to the owner that, “I am a blogger and have this idea…”
Then, asked them to tape me up like I got a tattoo. HA!
I’m sure they thought I was a weird, crazy girl but they totally played along. So, when I said I was “Up to no good” via instagram on Sunday I meant up to no good planning this joke

Last year’s Sriracha Diet was probably the best April Fool’s Day joke I’ve ever pulled off. But, the irony is that it’s kinda not a joke any more given the amount of Sriracha I eat!
Question: Did you pull any good April Fool’s Day jokes today?
Fall for any?
Awesome – I totally fell for this!! I think the clinger was the tattoo shop photo. I love how they went along with it!
Totally fell for this one!!! Too hilarious!
I did NOT fall for your prank. :). Mostly because I don’t think you would get an area wrapped after it has been tattooed. But great job on an elaborate set-up to try and pull it off. I had a couple of friends change their Facebook status to reflect a “change” but I didn’t bite on that either.
I fell for last year’s Siracha diet. I even googled Siracha diet thinking it was the new “thing.”
Seemed odd to be but no more odd than a 7 day cleanse. ha ha
A co-worker totally fooled me by telling me he got a new puppy. He said he got a Pomsky and I almost died with jealousy! They are so cute and I was so sad when he said it was a joke!
I also thought that maybe you didn’t get your logo or a running related tattoo but some other tattoo.
That is so funny! You definitely got me lol. Those tattoo artists are pretty cool for going along with the joke 🙂 Nice one!
looool really a good one 😉 thx for that!
greetings from austria!
Cute!! I actually have 3 tattoos; a rose on my left shoulder (first one), small rose on vine on my ankle and a symbol for fearless on my left shoulder blade. Love all of them and am thinking of changing/adding to my first one, but not sure how. Also interested in getting one on the back of my neck for family, but its just a thought for now.
Love all of mine, but they are a matter of taste and really must mean something to you.
OMG you’re brilliant! Hahaha this was the best!!
This was amazing preparation and followthrough on a blog April Fool’s joke! Beautifully done!
Today’s prank (for me) was to convince my students that they had a REALLY HARD TEST that I had forgotten to tell them about. We ended up demonstrating (instead) how to fend off a bear if you encounter one in the wild. BOOM.
ack I knew it!
I thought you needed to add “for life” to it and then you’d be set.
And I wasn’t sure about the location. Good joke!
Very funny.. I thought you were crazy when I first saw it. Didn’t realize you were fooling us.
Good one! I fell for it.
I was really worried that you were letting someone who wears pajama pants to work tattoo you.
I have to say I 100% fell for yours! I have been so busy today I honestly forgot it was April Fools 🙂
Haha! I totally believed you because of the tattoo shop photos. Smart lady 😉
Ha! Good one.
Omgd I’m dyingggg. Thank goodness!!! K because your cool points went down A LOT when I thought you got your logo tatted on you. Oops, sorry for judging 🙂
haha damnitttttt. That was good.
HaHa, I knew it. Good one.
I was thinking you got your tongue pierced but that would HURT with all the srircha from your diet!
I definitely fell for yours. The early lead-up definitely did the trick!
My boyfriend tried to convince me that he bought a cabin and that we were moving off-grid, but I know his love of electronics better than that!
I never appreciated sriacha fully until you started talking about it all the darn time. Now I’m obsessed.
wow that was the most well thought out prank ever!! I thought you got one, just not RER related 🙂
Lol that’s awesome. I can’t believe you actually went into a parlor and asked to get taped up! I’m sure they laughed at that one!
omg, that was the best april fools I’ve seen yet! The fact that you had it started before april fools totally threw me off.
Haha good one. I actually thought you got a tattoo! But I didn’t believe that it was your logo
I fell for yours!! 🙁
I know. But I saw your comment and wanted to text you to talk about it then, I realized um, I don’t have her number hello. I feel like we talk all the time though.
ha! no worries…i really am quite gullable. I did think to myself that you didnt’ strike me as one to use your forearm as the canvas but not enough to convince myself that it was an AF joke.