This morning I woke up dreading my long run. That is a bad sign from the get-go. While training for the Long Beach Marathon I was excited about my long runs. I would plan out my route the night before, make sure my Garmin was charged and look forward to it. I think that is how running should be. This is my hobby and if I don’t enjoy it I shouldn’t be doing it.
I look back on my LB long runs and see that I really enjoyed running. I even danced in the street at one point. You call me crazy, I call myself passionate
But that excitement really died after Long Beach. I have been running a race a month since October and have said I was burnt out. At the time I was already committed and couldn’t do anything about it. I was offered a chance to run the LA Marathon (it’s tomorrow) for free and decided to pass. All the buzz around LA is making me a little sad, but it was the right decision.
I need to recharge.
I need to figure out what I want.
I need to see other people (those people who are at the gym taking classes).
I really hope we can make it through this, but I need some time to think.
Before I got all sad and frustrated with my mediocre run, I fueled up.
Then, I reluctantly set out for 16 miles that ended up being 15.
Two weeks ago I did this exact same run 6 minutes faster that today It was the same route, distance, weather conditions, runner…everything was the same. Yet, it was completely different. My head wasn’t in the game – that is what I need to work on!
Post-run I headed to a place of comfort and happiness to make me feel better, Whole Foods. (Can you hear the angels singing in the background? I’m assuming angels are rich on this one.)
I immediately went to the juice bar and ordered a double
Then, I was offered a sample of strawberry and rhubard pizza. Suddenly, I knew it was all going to be okay.
Yes, strawberries on pizza. It was a ricotta and mozzarella mix as the base. I normally don’t like fruit on “real” food (or dessert), but this works really well! I will be recreating is asap!!!
I grabbed some food from the hot bar. The Whole Foods Hot Bar costs a hundred dollars, but always looks like leftovers you forgot about in the back of the fridge for a month.
I always get a bite of mac n’ cheese and a bite of mashed potatoes no matter what other mix I put together.
And the cherry on top – a Challah roll to help quiet my sweet tooth. See Jesus in the background? I think He approves.
Have an amazing day!
Taking periodic breaks from running to focus on other non-running activities is the only thing that keeps me running at all. I have one more 10 mile race in 2 weeks, and after that I’m going to focus on doing 8 weeks of kettlebells and additional weight training. After that, I’ll regroup and see what I want to do next. I’ve sort of realized that I enjoy running, but I actually benefit from not doing it as much. The only problem I’ve run into (like you said) is the fact that you have to schedule the popular races really far in advance.
Holy Crap! I think that pizza just inspired me! What else do you think was on it? Was it a cornmeal crust? Google time!
Google was unsuccessful. Boo.
It was there regular pizza crust but they used marscapone cheese (not ricotta like I thought), mozzarella, strawberries and agave for a bit of sweetness.
I full on called to make sure since my version was missing something and I couldn’t figure out what 🙂
I was just on the Whole Foods site looking for an exact recipe. I like the idea of using a cornmeal crust with ricotta cheese. Will be attempting this soon. 🙂
That comic at the end is hilarious 😉
I definitely fall in and out of love with running. But for me, it’s mostly not love. So I don’t really feel that bad about it.
you can do this! I go through the same issue with my training. my advice is to find a buddy or a group to go with you!
I am just starting to run indoors on the treadmill! Good luck! i would love to run a marathon when I am older ( i am only 13!)
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Hi 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Good luck on the running too.
It definitely sounds like you could use a break. But it also sounds like you might be reaching “over training” and just need to rest in general.
Wow, your Whole Foods looks like a dreamboat. I wish ours was that big!!
That’s hilarious about the WF salad bar! SO TRUE!
I’ve been having that same racing burn out. I have one more race next month and then I’m taking a 2 month break from running. I hope that recharges me! Because I have to start training for my first marathon – in the Florida heat – somehow without dying.
Was that the $6 juice?
Yes. It’s totally worth it. Makes me feel like a hundred bucks. So, that’s a deal. How’s your bread?
omg i’m jealous of your mediocre run!! i struggled through my 4ish mile run today. oh well, every run can’t be super awesome, i guess…
Way to go on a great long run today…even if you are disappointed, at least you got out there!!! I’ve been running through some IT Band issues and I it is finally getting the best of me- mentally AND physically. To avoid totally slacking off I joined a 4 week boot camp. Maybe this is just what is needed!
Good luck!!!
Ugh – this post takes me back to training for the Disney Marathon (my first and only marathon). I literally hated It seriously might have been the most horrendous experience of my life – I ended up backing off of running for SO LONG after race day & didn’t run more than 3 miles for 6 months!
Good for you for sticking it out through FIFTEEN friggin’ miles! That’s quite the distance to get through when you’re not totally feeling it!
I ran Disney the year before last and really want to run it again! I think if I had a “goal” race and not a “just because it’s local” one I’d be more into it?
You pushed through and got in a 15 miler- that’s awesome! I having burnout issues too, I love running but not more than 8 miles at a time. So i am going to work on getting faster- bring on the 10k’s! I just have to survive a 1/2 next weekend first:)
Mac and Cheese plus ketchup = heaven in a handbag.
I am obsessed with ketchup, but have never tried that! Tragic.
you might wet yourself. Just sayin’.
I’m sorry you’re a little down lately 🙁 But you’re such a passionate runner that it’ll all turn out okay even if you have to give yourself a little break. And LOL to that picture. Love it.
That challah roll looks AMAZING. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling your run, I bet a running break will solve that!!
Sometimes running is completely mental, which is very frustrating. I suppose the bad runs have to happen though…and they do make us appreciate the good ones.
I love that Jesus cartoon!
Have a lovely Saturday, Monica.
Thanks Alison 🙂
I woke up dreading my long run today too – not good! But we both got through it. It’s the hardest runs that make us better runners.
And gimme some of that pizza.
Good job getting through your run too!
I have been there…so many times. I haaate that burned out feeling and sometimes it definitely helps to take a little break and focus on other things (classes, swimming, cycling, yoga, whatever…)
I wish I had a nearby Whole Foods!