Other titles considered – The Big Screw.
Ben and I were driving out of our parking lot when we realized our front tire sounded really weird. I pulled over and we discovered a big screw in our tire. Ben tried to pull it out, but it was too hard. We went straight to the Costco Tire Center to get it fixed. We had an hour to
wait waste so we walked around Costco, eating their samples and looking at things we can’t buy.
Is that a salad in your purse or are you just happy to see me?
Yeah, I was taking a salad to my mom’s because I was super hungry and wanted to get some veggies in before I ate pizza.
Hey, did you know that Chocolate Milk is a great post-run recovery drink? It has the right protein to carb ratio to get your body what it needs. The 20% alcohol is just an added bonus

I told Ben I wanted to buy this tub of granola and just pour milk straight in it and eat it all. I decided against it, but I will do that when I finally give up on myself.
I like firm naners.
Since we were so late to my mom’s for the Super Bowl festivities we realized we should just bail. That, combined with the fact that we spent a few hundred dollars getting new tires (ouch) left us both severely depressed
Depression hurts, Cymbalta Chocolate Covered Ice Cream can help.
I can’t believe Costco dips the vanilla ice cream in chocolate and covers it with almonds right in front of you. It was amazing!
You can get it with or without nuts. But, I love nuts and wouldn’t pass them up!
It was so big.
I think Ben is traumatized.
The vanilla ice cream is super big and then they add a huge layer of chocolate and nuts. It’s very thick.
I need to cut my hair. But, I like it long
My pizza dreams were killed when our Super Bowl party was canceled. Boo.
I ended up making burgers. Veggie for me, salmon for him.
Served with cheese, just like my jokes. And chips…
I dipped everything in my special sauce.
My cat is tired from this crazy day.
I need some wine.
hey pretty lady (hope that doesn’t sound creepy!)
Not sure where you are exactly in the OC area, but my roommate is an AMAZING hair stylist and works at a pretty top notch salon in HB that’s having 1/2 any of your 1st services (hair cut,color, etc.). Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll give you her name and #.
Also, hope this didn’t come across as a weird plug. I just wanted to help you out!!
LOVE your blog!!
Hi C 🙂
How long is the special going on?
All month of Feb!… Or what’s left of it.
I’ve never seen adult chocolate milk before. O.o I’m not sure I’d like the taste, but I’d definitely give it a go at least once.
You should have had us count all the dirty jokes in this post….. hehehe. You’re funny! Sorry your tire got screwed, I manage that at least once a year. Thats why I have AAA : )
Agreed! I was trying so hard to keep my mind out of the gutter and not giggle at all the innuendos along the way. 😛
This was a funny post! And the ice cream looks so good, especially the almonds.
Such a bummer about the tire! But I’d totally take the ice cream and the green bean fries. Well, not together.
What a bummer! That’s definitely not a way to start the day. Nothing is more frustrating that unplanned car issues. Ugh.
Ugh. So sorry about your tire. Mine need to be replaced soon and I am not looking forward to that expenditure. Also, I love your red purse!
I think you officially ended up stranded at the best place ever to have a tire changed. I used to keep my dorm room fridge stocked with chocolate milk for post-swim practice fueling. The idea of adding alcohol to it shockingly never occurred to me. I’ll be testing that combo out ASAP.
Ben has added Kahlua and it’s pretty good 🙂
I wonder if our costco has those ice cream bars. Hmmm… I was probably better off not knowing that.
Sorry about the tires – just had to pay $500 (gulp!) a couple of months ago too.
Thanks for such a great post, I love how real your blog is!!
Thank you 🙂
hey! gotta add the nuts for natural fat right? Plus, that chocolate had your daily dose of antioxidants..and the ice cream, well, that was your calcium intake for the day. See, all part of the plan. ;o)
So sorry about the car’s tires. I really dislike when that happens!! I just had to put two new front tires on my car…$700 later *eye rolll*
I must say, I am DIGGING your purse!!!
I swear, every time I go to get my oil changed, they find a nail in my tire. Sometimes I think the oil change people put the nail there so they can charge me to take it out and patch the tire.
Car problems suck! I had a flat tire a couple weeks ago, luckily it was just a slow leak, no nails or anything bad : p
Oh Ben looks thrilled with the love you have for the nut covered icecream bar, or jealous, lol! Ben is too cute!
Hope you have a great day! xo
Gosh, what does Costco NOT have! Love that store. 🙂
When I read the title of this post, I thought that maybe you and Ben play the same game as my husband and I. We try to make as many of the sports announcers commentaries into “That’s what she said” jokes as possible. It would be an awesome drinking game, especially since they always say things like “He needs to go wide if he wants to score big!” 🙂
Pretty much every time I go to Costco I get a hot dog. It’s totally gross. And delicious.
Agh – I hate unforeseen costs like that! I feel your pain. I think that chocolate-covered ice cream bar made up for a least a tiny bit of the tire issue. I mean – almonds and chocolate is easily one of the best combos! I ate my guacamole quota for the month in the past 48 hrs. AND my hair is way too long right now, but I’m too cheap to cut it. Hope tomorrow is a better day!
The dirtiness contained in this post is monumental! And I loved it all.
Boo about your tires but I hope your week gets better. I believe guacamole heals all.
Sucks about your tires. But this post was great! There’s nothing like a thick treat on a stick to help you feel better…especially when it’s covered in nuts. 😉
Seriously. That blows. I am glad you had some guac to cheer you up!