Hello! How are you? Today was a long day and I’m currently enjoying a night cap (read: ice cream) as soon as this post is done. Sometimes you need vodka, sometimes you need ice cream (some days you need both).

This morning I ran around Irvine and spotted what I thought was a strawberry vine from far away. I got excited and ran up to it for a mid-run snack. Except, it was some other random red plant and not strawberries. Boo.

Luckily, I discovered this big building called a store where they let me have strawberries in exchange for swiping this plastic card in my wallet through their machine.

I also picked up a watermelon and ate most of it as what I consider a ‘small snack’.

I was trying to multi-task while making lunch – talking on the phone to my mom, cooking, chopping and dipping carrots in hummus.
Well, I dropped a knife on my foot. I was so involved in the conversation with my mom and not burning my eggs that I didn’t even realize it really cut me and I was bleeding until after I was done eating! Ha! Monican, get it together.

After lunch I headed to see my aunt. I mentioned before that she’s sick and not doing well. It was a long drive and I am probably kind of tense so that combination caused my IT band and knee to really bug me. I need to do some foam rolling (and relax) asap.
I was super hungry by the time I got home and was not about to cook anything. A new Pho place just opened near my condo and I decided to give it a whirl. This massive bowl disappeared so fast. I feel like Pho is the best thing to eat when you’re super hungry because it’s so filling and warm.

And now it’s ice cream time!

That Pho dish looks amazing. It looks like it would be so good for you, but I reckon it also tasted great with a nice kick to it? Night cap for me these days would be a Heineken, which probably isn’t great for my running, but goes down a treat on a Summer’s evening..
Icecream!!! Or a banana and peanut butter if I’m not in the ‘dessert’ mood. 😛
Coffee with cream and sugar! It’ll be 10pm and I still make myself a cup.
Vodka & ice cream; interesting combination 🙂 And ouch at your toe!
My nightcap of choice is a Wendy’s vanilla frosty with reeses peanut butter cups. So, not healthy. Sooooo don’t care.
Sorry to hear about your Aunt, I’ll add her to my prayers.
I usually opt for a hefty glass of red wine in the evenings, but not gonna lie, that ice cream is looking scrumptious!
This is weird but I’ve been really obsessed with frozen GoGurt lately. I have two every night after dinner and it’s glorious.
last night was def an ice cream night. We’re leaving for a week of vacation tomorrow (YAY) so we “had” to eat the ice cream so it didn’t go bad while we were gone 😉
I love Pho! My favourite Modern Family episode is the one where Cam and Mitch take their baby to the doctor and they talk about how to pronounce Pho properly. Hilar. Now I’m craving Pho. I haven’t had it in forever. Oh, and salad rolls. Sigh… so much yum.
I am all about the popcorn before bed these days!
Hope your aunt gets better!
I love Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream – so good!!
Pho are good for cold days. Unfortunately there aren’t many places that serve vegan ones. 🙁
What other Vietnamese food do you enjoy? Springrolls?
I`m all about the bread and cheese. This could have something to do with my location, since I`m in Paris but I`m addicted!
I can always go for a piece of dark chocolate!
Cold cereal of the colorful, sugar-laden variety.
Sorry to hear about your aunt. Lately since it has been so hot in humid in SD, I’ve been loving some for of ice cream/popcicles.
Ben & Jerrys every night. Is that bad?