Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going great (because I’m eating an amazing chocolate cookie as I write this). I am in Los Angeles for an event and just wanted to check in and say hi!

First – let’s talk about running and eating…
I started the day with a 9 mile run while listening to okay podcasts. I have been listening to Watch What Crappins and am caught up on all their episodes so I had to listen to my ‘other’ list. I go through phases of being obsessed with one podcast / food / show / person / whatever and cannot get enough of it. Right now it’s that podcast.

I made a smoothie after my run but was out of spinach. This might be the first time that’s ever happened to me!? I ran out of the Crappens podcast and now spinach?! Get it together Monican!

After running and eating I got ready, did some work and then packed for an overnight stay in LA. Since I’m in south Orange County I am staying the night with the group at a hotel. A lot of the other attendees are from out of state. And LA traffic is ridic so driving hours and hours back and forth is no bueno.
Vegas helped me pack…

And before I knew it my car was there and I jumped in for the ride to the hotel. I brought my laptop so I could work. I’m so responsible (if you don’t consider the fact that I need to work because I’m behind on everything).

This is a blog event with Bosch – more on that later. We’re staying at the London Hotel in West Hollywood. I love a good hotel tour so I snapped pictures of everything. Plus – this is an amazing hotel room so I had to send pics to my one friend! I am totally that person who gets super excited about fancy stuff every single time.

The view is amazing!

You See L.A. – that was the punch-line to some joke we would always tell as kids and now I don’t remember the rest of it!

I can’t decide if I’m more excited about the cookie or the bathtub. Between the LA Marathon and the Boston Marathon I have wanted to take a bath so bad! Neither hotel I stayed in for those races had a bathtub in my room. Bummer.
Now this place has a fancy one AND I even brought epsom salts that I bought in Jerusalem to use but I am not going to have time for a tubberoo. Boo.

I should probably get ready for dinner now… see ya later!

Do you remember that I said I was on a mission to find the World’s Best Chocolate Chip Cookie years and years ago? Well, this cookie might have sparked that back up!

Current favorite podcast to listen to while I’m running is The Popcast with Knox and Jamie. They are the best!
Cookie of course.
If you’re looking for a hysterical and sometimes super inappropriate podcast check out Straight Talk with Ross. Start listening from the beginning since there are a lot of inside jokes and long-running skits, but it is hilarious. Like I’ve been alone in my car, crying from laughing so hard before.
Hands down – chocolate chip cookie. Always.
Thanks you! I will have to check it out.
My husband is a journalist so he gets sent on press events like this also. If there is an event in LA (where we live) I will sometimes go stay with him and have a little fun overnight in a fancy hotel. He was put up at the London one time also- amazing room! It sucked though because I really wanted to use the pool while he was working but it was closed that night for a private event. (Crying emoji)
I think I’ll go with the chocolate chip cookie. I don’t wear makeup that often, I don’t have a cat and I’m lukewarm on baths (teehee). I’ve been trying to get into the relaxation aspect of baths with bath bombs but I can shake the feeling that you’re laying in a tepid pool of your own filth. Very 19th century hygiene going on in that sitchy.
Love it! One of the girls on the trip brought her husband and they were going to spend the weekend enjoying LA.
I LOVE Watch What Crappens!!! Best podcast ever. I even listen to the ones that I don’t actually watch because they are so hilarious!
And if I had to choose one thing…bubble bath. I’m 6 months pregnant and haven’t had one of those in what feels like forever!
Same! Ha! I listen to their episodes about shows I don’t even watch.
i think the nicest hotel room i’ve had was actually in LA! i stayed at one of the top floor suites in the Roosevelt. Don’t ask how that happened! actually you can, it was just through my job 🙂 I’ve never had a room that had TWO bathrooms in it! and the view of la was amazing
Fancy!! I love it. Two bathrooms?! That’s pretty awesome.
Chocolate Chip Cookie for me!!
Could I choose not dog hair on everything? We have 3 Labs, a chocolate, yellow, and a black, so there’s dog hair to show up on any color we wear. Cookies, I have never met one I didn’t like. Free hotel cookies: yes, please.
Love. Love those dogs. I don’t even know them and I love them.
I would choose NOT having cat hair on everything. I can’t believe how much cats shed. It’s redic!!!
That is one fancy looking hotel room. But, some of the pictures have me confused > totally normal for me. Is there a mirror and door behind the bed?
I’m not big on baths, but would take one in that tub for sure!
There is big headboard with a desk behind the bed. The mirror was on another wall.
Bubble bath
The bathroom looks like a dream! Also, I love all chocolate chip cookies. I don’t especially have high expectations. I even like Chips Ahoy. xD
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
You’re in my hood! I hope you have time for a bath, luxurious hotel bath tubs are the best!!
PS hit up Stella Barra for the best chocolate chip cookie of your liiiiife! (insert love-eyed emoji)
Ah! I need to try that – was it in your hood? I’m already back home…
Super chocolatey chip cookie. After my first marathon, the ONLY thing I could fathom eating was a chocolate chip cookie. Fortunately I could get some and I ate three (OOPs)!
Good chocolate chips cookies are a great victory lap 🙂