I am very sad to leave my blogging buddies and Boston today But, I guess I have to get back to the “Real World” now. Boo.
Well, it was a blast ladies! Thanks for putting up with me for 3 days!!
After post-race showers we headed to The Rustic Kitchen for lunch. Tina raves about this place so I was happy to check it out.
The wait was 45 minutes and we weren’t in a “state of stomach” to wait, so we grabbed a table at the bar.
As soon as we were seated the waitress brought us warm focaccia bread and a bean puree with olive oil.
Tina, Chandra and I enjoyed a well deserved feast after our race this morning
I know this looks like your average Burger and Fries (but I don’t eat red meat) and it’s not a veggie burger!
I ordered the Tuna Burger – after asking the waitress for a description. It is ground tuna shaped into a patty and served with avocado. Ah.maze.
After lunch we caught up on the happenings of the Jersey Shore and lazed around. That’s what weekends are for, right?
Soon it was time to pack up my stuff and head home to California. But, not until we had one last photo shoot for the memories
After our photo-shoot I had to say good-bye to the girls and head to the airport. As soon as I got through security I got an iced coffee for the road flight walking to my gate. Yeah, I pretty much chugged this like a frat guy on a dare.
Then, I scrambled to piece together dinner. There weren’t a ton of options, but that was okay because all I wanted was a salad and fruit.
I also got a Chobani for dessert. I am planning on adding some granola I have in my bag animal crackers to it too! These remind me of Chandra
Guess I already miss her.
The rest of my in-flight entertainment includes studying anatomy. For those that don’t know, I am studying to become certified as a Personal Trainer very soon! More info will be coming soon.
And since this came in the mail before I left for Boston (plus I’ve already professed my love for Matt Damon), I may give myself a break to check this out too
I’m on a flight with Direct TV behind every seat – so that is also a tempting distraction, but I seem to have misplaced my headset since my Friday flight. Boo.b.
See you in the morning!
Updated to add: We stopped at Taco Bell on the way home. I’m sure I’ll be fired from being a “Healthy Living Blogger” first thing tomorrow. Well, it was good while it lasted… In my defense I’ve been up since 5:25am EST and it’s 2:30 am EST now. I don’t regret it.
Question: Did anyone run a race this weekend? Have a good run at home? Spill it so we can all pass on the congratulations
I love late night food runs : )
dude whatever. taco bell has the fiesta option! you’re still my fave health blogger because you’re keeping it real.
Taco Bell stop is a necessity. I ate at Del Taco on Saturday….pretty much the same thing as Taco Bell and it was DELICIOUS!!! I need to try the tuna burger, that sounds AMAZING!!! You girls are all so gorgeous. Enjoy the warm weather in Cali:)
haha dont sweat it…after saturday night i forced my boyfriend to take me to get “pigs in a blanket” at 630 AM….so im sure im being fired as well.
I ran the black cat race too! Glad you had fun in Boston!
You were there too?! Did I see you?
Hope you had a good race 🙂
Maybe you saw me! I forgot you were going to be there but i don’t think I saw you! I was pretty cranky after that big hill on mile 3. 🙂
I had a pretty good race! It was the longest I have ever run and it gave me a solid idea what i’m in for during my first 1/2 marathon in 2 weeks!
I had a great 3 mile run on the treadmill last night. Trying to get back into it after a bunch of injuries. Hoping to do the Shamrock 8K at the Virginia Beach oceanfront in two weeks.
It’s always hard to come back after an injury – good luck on the Shamrock!
Glad to see you enjoyed your stay in Beantown! You lucked out with weather this weekend… or maybe you brought the sunshine with ya! 🙂
I usually don’t bring good weather with me, but I was super happy the weather cooperated!!!
no race this weekend.. but I did have a training run of 9 miles.. almost back to double digits! studying < matt damon! hhaha
Good job on the training run!
I did not run a race 🙁 But I did run 10 miles Saturday! It was my first 10 miler since September! Congrats on your awesome race!
Great job on the double digits run!
Glad you had a great weekend!
I had a CRAPPY 9.4 mile run yesterday! I just couldn’t get my head into it and it sucked!! It was my worst long run pace ever!!!!
Sorry about the bad run, it happens to me too 🙁
But, it makes the good runs that much better!
Girl, you had the best weekend!!! I’m happy you got home safe. 🙂
Thanks, hope you had a good weekend too! I have to catch up on my blog reading…
I love getting away for the weekend, but coming back to a SLEW of blogs that went on while I was gone is always a little daunting. And I have this perma-“but I’ll miss out!” feeling if I try and skip any. 😉
Sometimes I still enjoy a good McDonald’s burger, so I think Taco Bell is better than that.
No races this weekend, but I’m running a marathon next weekend (eek!)
Marathon next weekend?!?! Good luck! You will rock it 🙂
I had a half marathon this weekend. Didn’t PR but beat last year’s time by three minutes so was still quite chuffed with that.
Great time on the Black Cat 10 miler ~ I wish I had the opportunity to run a race with some of my favourite blogging friends, but in the UK it’s hard to find one that suits us all in terms of location.
I feel your pain on the post-race over-fuelling 😉 I did the same thing only with mass quantities of PB.
Good job on the half marathon!
I wish I could meet up with your for a race in the UK!!!
Yum-that ‘burger’ looks delish! Congrats again on your race. I ran a 10k and set a new PR… 1:03:30 (10:15 pace). I am also trying to lose weight and increase my speed. Reading your blog is very motivating!!
Congrats on your PR!!! Great job 🙂
I think the stop at Taco Bell makes you the best healthy living blogger. We all have our favorites and nothing is wrong with Taco Bell. Hatas gonna hate!
Glad you had a great time in my hometown of Boston and great job in your race!
If stopping at Taco Bell makes me the best I’m gonna be a regular there now 😉