Hello! I have 3 things for you today… or really things I’d like to share in groups of THREE. These are my favorite things right now.
3 Drinks on My Standing Desk Right Now:
1. Spark… well, an empty cup of Spark in Mango Strawberry
2. Water… in one of two Nalgene bottles I have
3. Rose … purchased based on the label (from Trader Joe’s)
3 Things I LOVE This Week:
1. Oasis Drink – I started using the Oasis drink supplement a while back and ran out of it recently. Is it ironic that it’s supposed to help with stress and I’m stressed that I have to wait for my order to be delivered?!
2. Trader Joe’s Roasted Ranch Chickpeas! This is a new find that I’m really loving for a salty snack . I planned on making a trail mix with it but it’s all gone now…
3. Mangoes!! I bought a few HUGE mangoes a few days ago and they’re all super ripe now. I’m swimming in a pool of mango and happiness.
3 Things I want to make at home:
1. Marathon Bread… spotted this at Walmart and wanted to get it but the ingredient list was pretty long and it wasn’t whole wheat so I talked myself out of it.
2. My bed. JK. I actually make my bed every day! It’s probably the one responsible thing I do.
3. A Pumpkin Roll. Like a legit, roll it up with cream cheese frosting in the middle pumpkin roll. I’m going to spend some quality time on Pinterest to find a good recipe for it. If you have a life changing recipe – let me know!
3 Random Things I Should Be Embarrassed About:
1. I always joke that I have 1 friend but I actually have 2 friends.
2. I think I might be bad at shaving my armpits. No one has pointed this out to me (thankfully!) but I’m pretty sure this is something I need to work on. Come to think of it… I wonder if that’s why I only have 1 friend… Hmmm. <- I have no idea where this thought came from. It’s just in my head movies today.
3. I am SO LOUD in the morning! I just wake up loud. And then stay loud all day.
3 Pumpkin Recipes I Want to Share:
2. Pumpkin Spice Granola Recipe
Don’t forget to check in with your workout or run report on Instagram!
New reader here. I’m not a runner, but I’m loving your blog and you just cracked me up with your 3 random things -hahaha!
Please tell me you know about Trader Joe’s wine in a can. Sparkling white or sparkling rose by Simpler wines and the cans are tiny and cute! https://www.traderjoes.com/digin/post/simpler-wines
1. Water
2. Water
3. Water
I usually have tea in the morning, but since I woke up late, I’m basically only having water today.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
1) Wine glass #1
2) Wine glass #2
3) Wine glass #3
Not even joking. Oh, and I’m terrible with armpits and only just realized it too. There’s too many crevices!
1. Coffee
2. Water
3. Chamomile Tea
I just realized that I have super goody-goody beverage choices. I thought about lying and saying “wine” or something but I am a boring teacher and I go to bed at 9pm, so I start sipping on some warm chamomile at like, 8pm.
Hot chocolate, water, and hopefully more water. I always have good intentions of drinking a lot of water and I always forget.
1. Water 2. Peanut Butter Espresso Smoothie 3. Hot water with lemon
This just popped up in my email from Yankee Magazine, you can’t go wrong with them. And I’m a New England Girl.