Hello! How are you today? I’m good! (Currently sipping iced coffee and talking to you nice people – not too shab!)
Let’s talk about how I almost had another heart attack on my run yesterday….

I was running one of my usual routes and stopped at a water fountain like I always do when I am on this path. The other day I noticed some bird poop on the higher water fountain, super close to the spout. So, I used the shorter fountain and remembered that yesterday so I went to use the smaller fountain again.
I usually start the fountain and swipe my hand through it to let the water put out anything gross that might have fallen in the spout. It’s such a part of my routine I wasn’t really paying attention to the water fountain. I normally look around while I’m doing this to survey my surroundings (always pay attention to your surroundings for safety).

Just as I was about to bend down and take a sip I came eye to eye with a TINY FROG!!!!
AHHHHHHHH!!!! It was super super tiny but it caught me off guard and I was putting my face down near it as I saw it.
Remember when I was trying to take a picture of that frog in Florida and it jumped on me?!?!?!! I had a flashback of that and totally had a moment of terror. Ha! I wish someone was with me because I wanted to laugh about it. Once I realized it was such a tiny lil guy I was fine and snapped some pics of it.

Whew! That was close.
Now I have two big questions for you…
I had dinner with a friend and we were drinking some gluten free champagne with some magical blue stuff and limoncello.

We were eating a fancy Blue Apron dinner, but the drink was so good I just wanted more of that.
Here’s the thing – I can’t drink alcohol and eat at the same time. Is anyone else like this?

If I am drinking alcohol I mostly just drink and kinda ‘nurse’ my food. If I’m eating, I nurse my drink. But I feel like when I eat and drink my stomach gets upset? Is this weird?

And the next question…
My hair grows so fast that it’s hard to keep my bangs looking decent for any length of time. I always end up trying to trim them myself (which leads to major regrets).
I like bangs. I have a large forehead and big features so I feel like it works for me. But again – it’s hard to keep them looking okay.
So yesterday I did a little curl back with them and I can’t decide if it’s cool easy breezy or super 70s?

I asked Vegas his opinion but he just looks at me like, “Hey lady, give me some turkey and leave me alone.”
Thanks cat.

Fun fact: The last time I wore this dress my bangs were at that awkward stage and I pinned them back! See? I only have them look decent for 1 day out of the year. Bah!

I totally agree about not eating and drinking together! Also, I like to feel the effects of my drink and it is definitely less so if I am eating as well.
No bangs ever for me. I would totally get myself Into trouble by trimming them.
Hi! I read all the time but never comment (I just like to lurk….). Anyway… I’m the same way with alcohol and food! I don’t like to eat and drink together and if I am eating with a drink, the drink hardly gets touched. If I’m drinking, I might nibble but I dont have much of an appetite (I think I’m lucky for that haha). When I do both, I definitely feel sick. Strange!
I’m glad I’m not the only one!!
Nope cannot drink alcohol and eat at the same time ! So glad I’m not the only one high five !
*high five!*
I can drink alcohol and eat but I can’t drink a latte/mocha/anything with milk with food. That type of beverage fills me up. Alcohol makes me eat more Unless it has any sort of carbonation/bubbles–bloat.
I have side bangs but hate that they only look good for so long then they end up tucked behind my ear.
I think I’ve mostly given up on bangs because they don’t stay in a ponytail and I hate having them in my face when I’m trying to work out
I think your bangs look great like that. Your hair is beautiful!
Yes! I hate eating and drinking at the same time.
I love the curled back bangs. They look great.
1. Drinking and eating goes really well together. Red wine and cheese are great when eaten together. Same can be said for beer and pizza. However, drinking whiskey or mixed drinks while eating probably is a bad idea.
2. I think you look great with the bangs or not.
I like the curled back bangs. I don’t have bangs but I’d get berserk if they were in my eyes.
I can have a glass of wine with dinner but that’s about it.
1) YES! It drives my husband mad, he’s all, “are you dehydrated from not having any liquids?” and I’m all “food tastes so good I don’t have time to drink.”
2) Sideswept bangs look super cute — werk.
I have a very hard time drinking alcohol and eating at the same time, too. My stomach does not like to be in that situation at all. I prefer to do one or the other!
1. no problems there. The more I drink the more I want to eat.
2. My bangs are suddenly ALMOST long enough to pull back in a pony tail. I’ve almost convinced myself this is a good thing.
I don’t drink at all so I cannot seem to give you a good answer but I know of a lot of people (like my family) who drink first and then eat…but my husband is okay with doing both at the same time.
I never had bangs but I feel like that grows out faster than the other parts of your hair so I don’t like to have them! Too much maintenance… i like my simple routine!
I’m the same way with drinking & eating — which is why I usually don’t drink. I love food too much!!
If I go out with the girls for a drink — I won’t even order food, because I’ll never eat it. Maybe a peanut or cracker, but that’s it.
It’s so weird how I’m currently in a struggle with bangs too! I have a side swept bang thing going on — but it’s too long and bulky right now to really do the swoop — but too short to join the ranks of the rest of my hair. When I get a bangs trim, they’ll act like they are too short to do the swoop!!
I’m giving up on bangs for now — just going to let them grow grow grow 🙁