This is the final video in my series on how I lost weight. This isn’t about how you can lose weight fast or drop 10 pounds by this weekend… these are a list of habits and lessons that helped me. To be completely honest, I don’t know if my weight is going to stay at whatever it is now because this is still a work in progress for me. I’m learning what works for my body, running, activity level, energy, health and more…

I want to be an intuitive eater. I want to be a strong runner. And those two things are hard to combine sometimes. Runger is real! Hunger levels can be all over the place when I’m training for a race (sometimes I’m not hungry, just thirsty… sometimes I wake up starving). Maintaining a balance where I feel strong and healthy and get to eat the foods I love can be a challenge. Sometimes I work at it. Sometimes I don’t really care. Sometimes both of those on the same day.
My point is… (and always is)… Do you.
Treat your body well. Eat food you like – food that makes you feel good, strong and healthy. Exercise to keep your body healthy and strong – ideally find an exercise that you like doing. Be kind. Get enough sleep. Pray. Pay attention to the things your body is telling you. And always read Run Eat Repeat and listen to the RER podcast because it’s good for you (and by ‘you’ I mean ‘me’ thanks).
Weight Loss Tip #6 – What happened when I ate 4 donuts
All these tips are from this post –> Notes on How I Lost Weight
Videos on each tip:
Tip #1 – My goal weight and thoughts on weighing myself
Tips #5 – Incorporating Strength Training
Tip #6 – On dealing with overeating
Other weight loss tips and tools:
10 Day Clean Eating Challenge Recap
Herbal Cleanse Available here:

If you feel like your weight, body image or eating habits are in an unhealthy place consider seeing a doctor or therapist who can work ya through the emotional aspects of weight, eating habits, self-care and body image.
Hey Monica,
these look so good! I’m dying to try your tips Weight Loss Tip #6–List of all the Tips on Video,however I read that some of the “healthy foods” you’re eating every day are making your fat cells sick, and making it impossible to lose weight.
Thanks for the videos, Monica!
I recently lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks with a two-week diet that my friend suggested. Your videos inspire me to make changes in my life to keep the weight from coming back.
If anyone is interested in trying to two-week diet, you can find info here:
I have been watching your videos for a while now, first time commenting here.
Hi! Love your honesty and experience with this. I have also recovered(ing) from binge eating and for me it also had a lot to do with healing some areas in my life and learning to love and accept myself, as cheesy as that may sound to some people. I actually did a lot of spiritual work on it. None of the practical tips worked until I had this one in place. I could be wrong but I imagine this is the case for many people who heal from binge eating disorder. Do you plan on touching on this?
Another great video installment, thank you, lady. xoxo
It’s good timing for me too (AGAIN haha) because after 2 unplanned cross training (ie not running) days due to flooding here, I underate a lot then at the end of the night felt so bummed out I ate 3 big, really excellent homemade cookies. My favorite kind. Browned butter, oatmeal, chocolate chip walnut. GAH. They were good at that moment but I regretted it this morning. Oh well.
The weather cleared mostly, so I had to actively tell myself, “You get to run today because running makes you feel good and happy. You’re not running to get rid of those 3 little cookies!” LOL.
It sounds funny except for when you’re in the middle of the thought process.
Working on being healthy, not perfect or obsessed.
I think my best healthy habit is that 95% of the time I actually do crave super nutritious foods. It’s a pleasure to me, which makes it usually easy to eat well, just have to watch how MUCH of it I eat, haha. And the fact that exercise is a big pleasure, too. Never a chore.
Oh, been there with the donuts. It’s not our fault they’re so good! My number one healthy habit is exercise. When I move (especially in the morning), I feel much better throughout the day and am more mindful of what I eat and how much water I drink.
Thank you for sharing your weight loss videos!
My #1 healthy habit is exercise – I need to make more of an effort with the healthy eating.
Enjoy your day 🙂
I love your weight loss videos. Watched every one of them, thank you for sharing! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Thank you so much for this video! I too have been successfully losing weight and running and the one thing that’s different *this* time is that if I eat something I hadn’t planned or too much I just move on! I don’t beat myself up about it. It’s helped me so much and really is the key to getting to a healthy weight and maintaining (something I’ve never been able to do!)
Hey, Monica,
Well said.
We all really need to find our own balance of the food we eat and the amount of workout that we do. It’s a process. During that process, we need to learn how to change habits. Habits of both healthy eating and a good workout.
Sometimes that can be hard. But, there’s always the first step we need to make. From there on it’s easy 🙂