Hello! How’s it going?
Yesterday I decided the running costume I was going to make for the Disneyland Half Marathon is not going to work. So, I was scrambling for a Plan B!
My costume would require a bun so I took a ‘test run’ literally with a massive hot bun situation on my head. My hair is ridiculous – when God made me he wasn’t like, “Maybe this one should have a little red hair…”
He was like “RED HEAD!!! BOOM!!!!”
So, I have A LOT of red hair and it’s a challenge to put it up (the reason I always put my hair in 2 braids) and have it stay up.

The bun kinda stayed, but there was some bouncing and fly-aways. I’ll work for the 10K, but not the half. (Keep in mind I have like 84 bobby pins in there too.)

Then I headed to Disneyland for the race expo!

I am doing the Dumbo Double Dare = 10K Saturday and 13.1 miles Sunday!

SportHooks is at the expo! If you go stop and say hello to Marcey the owner. I’m in love with my hook!

I also spy ProCompression in the background!
Disney Races Recaps
I’ve run a few RunDisney Races now so it’s a great excuse for some Flashback Friday love!
This time last year I met Carissa from Fit 2 Flex at the Disney Tweet Up! She is the announcer of the RunDisney races – how cool is that?

In November I did the Wine and Dine Half Marathon in Orlando!

I did the Tinkerbelle Half Marathon as Ariel too!

My 2nd marathon was the Walt Disney World Marathon where I was sick and would have bailed if I could have called a taxi if I could have.
I have a very very early wake up call! See you after a nap maybe tomorrow…
Question: What were you doing this day last year?
Monica! I love your site and I have been a reader for a while and I just realized…I am in your Wine and Dine pic! I am the girl with the light blue shirt, literally right behind you in the background! Small world after all. I will now have to look for you at future runDisney races 🙂
Ha! That is awesome!!
I LOVE your hair. And having a lot is a great thing, I have barely any!
Question: do you wash your hair after every run? I would love a post on this. I hate to admit how many times I have skipped a work out because of my hair 🙁
This time last year I was running the Dumbo Double Dare. Loved it and love your costume for the 10k!
Redhead problems for sure! I have to run with my hair in braids as well. I shed more than a dog but yet still have so much hair left on my head. I’m not sure what I was doing a year ago, probably work, working out and then being a couch bum.
I have a ton of hair too, and I always use spin pins (I think they’re Goody brand…) to put mine up in a bun. They come in packs of 2, which usually works, or you can use 4 for extra hold. Don’t know how well it’d work for a long run…but it’s a good alternative to a million bobby pins for everyday wear :). Have a great race weekend!
I haven’t tried these! Thanks for the tip.
Wow, good for you! I ran the Disney World Princess Half Marathon years ago in Orlando and that was a fun race, but man it was a little too crowded at times … a sea of pink tutus, I tell ya! This day last year I was on a little road trip down to Santa Cruz with my hubby. We live in San Francisco and needed to get out of the City. This year we’re in Florida visiting my family. Have a great weekend!
#redheadproblems! This is why I typically throw mine in a pony tail. There’s just too much to deal with! You look great though – have a fabulous time!
#redheadproblems! This is why I typically throw mine in a pony tail. There’s just too much to deal with! You look great though – have a fabulous time!
#redheadproblems! This is why I typically throw mine in a pony tail. There’s just too much to deal with! You look great though – have a fabulous time!
I wish I had a ton of hair,I swear mine is falling out
I think the mermaid costume is my favorite of yours. Especially with your natural red hair. I just colored mine purple!
Apparently I ran 7 miles on this day last year. Yup I track my runs so efficiently year after year. Now I just need to get the rest of my life as organized.
Excited to see your costume.
Good luck with your races this weekend and also with your bun staying in your hair! I mostly wanted to say THANK YOU for posting about the Rodale- Built With Chocolate Milk contest (about 2 months ago) I entered the contest, AND WON! I’ll be running in New York City as part of the grand prize! I never would have entered if I wasn’t a dedicated Run Eat Repeat reader! You’re the bomb!
AWESOME! Congratulations!!!!! That makes me really happy – I’m so glad you let me know 🙂 Have a blast!
What do you think about during long runs?
People in my life.
Oh, I love red hair, it’s just so beautiful! I honestly think that ginger jokes stem from jealousy.
As to what I was doing last year, absolutely no idea!