Do you get nervous before your race? Need some tips on preparing for your half marathon race morning? I have a collection of tips, tricks and information to help you be ready for an awesome race!
Check out my race day checklist, what I ate before a race video and more. If you have any questions please email or ask on Instagram.

I received this question on race day preparation which sparked this round up of posts & info:
What’s your morning of race prep? I feel like I always forget something!
- Print out a Race Day Checklist so you can be sure you’re not forgetting anything. I updated my race day checklist with different categories / steps.
- Layout all your gear (Flat Runner!), organize your race morning essentials – including what you’ll eat, pack your post-race bag. Do this early the day before the race so you know if you’re missing anything and have time to get it.
- Go over the list and your gear so you feel prepared to go. Then, focus on running a great race!

Race Day Tips and Information:
Half Marathon Race Day Morning video – What I do before a race (this was a half marathon) from waking up to food and more. I actually recorded this the morning of the OC Half Marathon! So it’s a real step by step of my race morning.
What I ate before the RnR Las Vegas Half Marathon – What I ate before a half marathon race that’s later in the day. Fueling for an afternoon or night race can be challenging. This is exactly what I ate before the run.
Tips for your First Half Marathon – Video with tips and reminders before your first half marathon race.
10 Week Half Marathon Training Plan & Race Checklist – Half marathon training plan, pace chart and packing list. More tips and help for your half marathon race training and prep.
Race Day Checklist free printout – Get this updated race day packing list free printable pdf. Print it out and write in any additional items you need. Then, carefully go over the list a few days before the race and again the day before.

Download the Race Day Checklist free printable pdf here. No email address necessary!
Note: It will open a new tab with the pdf. You can save it or download. It’s best to do this on a computer (vs mobile).

More Q&A from your @RunEatRepeat Instagram Questions:
What should our Pile on the Miles Goals look like? How many are we talking?
You’ll get a Goal Setting worksheet via email Friday. AND I’ll explain that and any other Q&A about Pile on the Miles Friday!
What’s your favorite podcast atm?
It’s a new one I just found! The Time Suck podcast!
Why cut back on bubbly because of your foot? I love bubbly and running so curious.
I’ve heard that too many carbonated drinks can impact your bone health (I’m pretty sure it was that they take calcium from your bones). NOTE – I’m NOT saying this is true or that I’ve researched it myself. But it’s weird that my foot broke given it doesn’t seem like a running injury (given the common thoughts on overuse injuries). So I need to research in depth since it’s easy to search Google in a way that shows you what you want to see.
I haven’t looked into it yet but I’m being a lil extra cautious until I get more info.
What are you dressing up as?
Anna from Frozen! I wanted Diego to be Sven but he was a unicorn instead. (Until Tucker bit his horn off. I had a unicorn horn for Tucker too – but he was NOT having it. )

Are you saving for retirement?
No. I know I should be, but I’m not.
Since you lost weight initially have you ever struggled with regain?
My weight has fluctuated since I initially lost weight. My first reaction to this question was to say ‘kinda…’ and I immediately thought about how I’ve went through periods of gaining weight and losing weight.
So I guess, yes – I’ve gained weight back but also lost that weight. The scale has went up and down 10 pounds since I lost weight. But I think that’s normal to some extent? Maybe more for some people?
Want more info on how I lost weight?
Check out these posts:
Weight Loss Tip 2 – The Reason I Gain Weight
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