I skipped out on Sunday Set Up to make Sunday a fun day. Ben and I headed over to my parents house to join them for church. Then, Ben helped my little brother with his science project.
After church the fam headed to brunch, but I was still full so I went to get a manicure/pedicure instead. The place near my mom’s is the best and I like to hold out for when I’m in the area for a fix-up.
When I got back I needed a snack. Between the warm weather and summer fruit – I’m convinced it’s June.
Speaking of my favorite summer fruits, reader Phebe sent me the shirt I sported today. Sadly, I don’t have any watermelon to eat while wearing it. And even sadder, my mom made me stand by the orange tree for this picture as a fruity consolation. It’s not the same mom.
After a 3:12am wake up call and running 13.1 miles, I needed a nap. I’m not normally a napper, but I made myself lie down to rest and ended up falling asleep for 30 minutes – perfect power nap! I woke up feeling 100% better.
And I felt 150% better when I saw my dad’s huge bowls he pulled out of storage! Fill ‘er up!
Salad lunch with the works. I recently rediscovered Fritos and have to say they are salty wonders
I just hung out while the boys worked on the science project and then had a cereal snack and ginger ale to carb load for walking the dogs.
After a few refills of cereal I wasn’t hungry for dinner and just stole Ben’s pizza crust. I think I’ll have a waffle with PB when we get home.
Now I’m blogging on way home from my parents. I was completely unproductive with “real life” this weekend and have no eggs (this is the end of the world to Ben), no menu plan and no exercise plan.
Wait- I’ll make it up now!
M: Easy 3 miles and strength
T: Tempo 7 miles
W: strength or a class
Th: Speed
F: Easy 3, Yoga or strength
Sun: Zumba?
Weekly Goals:
Get enough sleep!
Clean house and corner area that’s collecting random crap and mail
Catch up on emails
Question: Did you do Sunday Set Up?
Love the shirt! But I gotta say, the best thing is a nice giant salad bowl. The best!
I also ran the Tinkerbell Half yesterday. We got back to San Diego around noon and I did Sunday Set Up stuff the rest of the day. I hate starting the week without doing that.
How’d the race go?
Fun, but somehow I ended up in Corral C at the start (I think I forgot to enter a proof of finishing time) and had to weave in and out of walkers and run/walkers for the first 5 miles or so. I thought it was a well organized race though and the weather was perfect!
My goals are to run ALL of my training miles this week (21 total), and to eat ALL of the produce I pack in my lunch bag each day.
Mmmmm fruit AND fritos, you’re a girl after my own heart!
I’m ready for summer fruits and veggies. I had tasteless strawberries and they made me cry!
I think I do both a weekly set up on Sunday (or, Monday) and then a nightly set up just to make sure that I am all set for my workout the next morning. Hmmm… seems like a lot of set ups.
A lot of set ups for success 🙂
Yay I’m glad you got the shirt! Congrats on the race – it looked like a lot of fun 🙂
Thank you so much! I love it 🙂 And I just ate those sprinkles on toast for breakfast.
I thought I did a good set-up Sunday but somehow this morning is still totally hectic and stressful. Ugh.
My marathon training plan starts today. I like having a training plan because now I don’t have to think about it too much. Lately I have been just doing what I feel for 5-6 days a week. I’m excited!
Your shirt is so cute! I try to make mini goals to stick to throughout the week. This week, I am trying to drink more water and eat healthy all week, even on the weekend. Weekends tend to be my downfall.
I did a Sunday freak out instead. This week is crazy so my goal is to not have a nervous breakdown and to pack my lunch every day. Lofty, I know.
PS Jealous of the weather. It’s a blizzard here.
Hope you’re not freaking out any more 🙂 I’ve been there. Have a good week <3
I am jealous of that tree! Do you take any rest days during the week? I am back to eating every 2 hours! Working well for me.
The Kidless Kronicles
Yes, I consider Yoga a rest day and usually Sundays are complete rest. And I build my plan so I can take a day off if I need it 🙂
I’m using this week to switch to a more vegetarian diet during the week, then treating myself to burgers during the Superbowl this weekend! And more running!
My main goal this week is to go to bed early….trying to really get into a better early morning routine!
I have to go back and read your recap from the 1/2 but I hear you did awesome! Congrats lady! 🙂
Im still in awe of you and the TINKERBELL
it is already time for focus on ME?! 🙂
Congrats on the race. A no set up is worth it when you get to hang out with family, eat incredibly big salads, and take mid-day naps!
I love giant bowls for salads. I normally use large mixing bowls intended for baking to eat my salads out of 🙂 Makes it much easier and less messy to stir everything together when you have a bigger bowl – also much more satisfying to eat out of!
This week’s goal is simple: survive with the fact I bought 0 snacky foods this week.
Your brother and husband are so cute. A man who helps with science projects is a winner in my book 🙂
Good for you on the no snacky foods! I need to do that.
Waffles with PB are the BEST! I just had one with pb, jam, and banana and it was pretty much the best thing I ever ate. Love the new shirt!