I was talking to a relatively new runner after the race and said, “Do you know you’re supposed to wear your medal the whole day now? It’s a rule.” They knew I was kinda joking but I went on to share all the things you’re ‘supposed’ to do after you run a half marathon, 5K, 10K, full marathon or any race really… so here it is.

The Top 10 Things You Must Do After Your Race
1. Take a post race picture!
The sweatier and more in pain you look the better. That way everyone knows you’re a warrior.

2. Rehydrate – water, sports drinks, beer… whatever floats your boat.

3. Refuel or as I like to call it – take a Victory Lap.

4. Post it all over social media (because if you don’t it didn’t happen right?)
![what to do after run blog 1[3] what to do after run blog 1[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/what-to-do-after-run-blog-13_thumb.gif)
6. Stretch and/or Ice Bath or Epsom Salt Bath – This isn’t as fun as eating onion rings and sipping a strawberry shake but you will thank yourself the next day.

7. Go over the race and take from it what you learned.
Use my Race Performance Review form to go over your training, progress and thoughts on the race.
![what to do after run blog 2[3] what to do after run blog 2[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/what-to-do-after-run-blog-23_thumb.gif)
8. Swear you’re never going to do it again.
Once the post-race high wears off and you start to ache in all those random places that make you walk funny and hate yourself… that’s when you swear NEVER AGAIN!!!

9. Wear your medal all day – even if it’s inappropriate like to the grocery store or church or your niece’s baptism.

10. Rest and Recover

Bonus: Plan your next race! Forget #8 – you know you’re going to.
![what to do after run blog[3] what to do after run blog[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/what-to-do-after-run-blog3_thumb.gif)
Question: What’s your favorite post-race must do tip?
I agree to all of this……..but I can’t get past your MarLou’s pic at the top of the post!!!!! It’s my favorite iced coffee. Dunkies is a close second.
My favorite too!!
Bahaha I love ALL of these gifs, so appropriate! Honestly I haven’t even finished my race but I’m already at #8, eeeeep.
toast the girl almighty
No 10! Rest, rest and rest for the day – put your feet up.
I’m running my first marathon in May, so this post has officially been saved and all of it will definitely be happening once I finish!! You rock, girl!
I think you hit them all. Every year after the Indy Mini my friends and I say we’re never doing it again. But this year I’ll be doing it for like the 18th or 19th time. I can’t, however, bring myself to wear the medal all day! Enjoyed the post!
1. Water, gatorade, and something salty but not heavy (like chips) immediately.
2. After a triathlon in hot weather, I’m immediately back into the water as quickly as I can. It’s what gets me through the end of the run.
3. #foodme and #beerme
pop 2 alieve while eating 2 waffles, its like they go together or something! love the “i am not fast” meme, favorite part of that movie!
If it’s a longer race, I love to shower and then collapse on the couch with a lot of comfy blankets. It feels so good not to move!
Best shower of your life (after every race).
Get some compression going (I don’t wear them when I’m running anymore).
Free the toes in some flip flops.
Keep moving….for at least an hour after…for me this helps…if I sit too quickly or for too long I tend to cramp up…maybe its old age???? Hmmmm…..
Then, go to bed early. 😉
(Yep, sounds like old age but it works for running too!)
upload my garmin data to strava, take an epic nap!
I knew when I said to the hubby we need to wear our medals all day I wasn’t making Sh!t up!!! I’m also a napper, maybe because the races are always an hour away from home so get up extra early. I sometimes need to nap before I eat. I know weird, but it’s after social media has been advised. :p
All so true! Especially the social media and planning your next race! I usually forget to properly stretch because I’m too busy with the social media part 🙂
Immediately transfer my data from my Garmin to run keeper, eat and then take the hottest shower.